Form Talysurf Intra Touch (roughness, waviness, form & contour)

Intra Touch with Talyprofile software for surface finish and form measurement
The new Intra Touch from Taylor Hobson - the latest in their range of shopfloor measurement solutions for surface finish, form and optional contour analysis - incorporates the user-friendly Talyprofile software on a touchscreen tablet PC.
The Intra Touch is the ideal surface finish and form measurement workstation for precision, user-friendly operation on the shop floor:
Features include:
- Icon driven, touchscreen Talyprofile software on a large touchscreen tablet
- Compact Intra traverse unit with built in levelling feet for ease of adjustment
- Automatic stylus lift and return function significantly reduces risk of stylus damage
- Ability to measure and analyse interrupted surfaces
- Talyprofile offers a wide choice of filters and form fits (Talyprofile gold version)
- Software options for simultaneous analysis of surface finish, form and contour characteristics

Intra Touch can measure interrupted surfaces
The Talyprofile software package has all the functions typically used for a shopfloor inspection, including R&W parameters and statistics module and full report printing. Measurement and reporting templates can be created for routine components and a desktop publishing facility allows clear presentation of measurement results. Talyprofile Gold has additional 2D analysis options and more detailed laboratory analysis functions. Additional software options offer contour, advanced 2D and gothic arch analysis.